Debunking Keeth moore
Before I start let me point out two facts.
1. Keeth Moore never converted to Islam.
2. Keeth Moore's embryology article was based on the translations given to him by the "Saudi embryology committee"
Let's make it short and sweet.
This is keeth Moore's article regarding the embryology in the quran:
In it he says the following :
The drop or nutfa has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a more meaningful interpretation would be the
zygote which divides to form a blastocyst which is im-planted in the uterus ("a place of rest"). This inter-pretation is supported by another verse in the Qur'an which states that "a human being is created from a mixed drop." The zygote forms by the union of a mixture of the sperm and the ovum ("The mixed drop").
So from the above statement, Keeth Moore's interpretation for nutfah is zygote(mixture of sperm and ovum). He goes on to say "This interpretation is supported by another verse in the quran which states that human being is created from a mixed drop"
Now let us find out the verse in the quran which talks about a mixed drop creating a human being.
Indeed, We created man from a "sperm-drop mixture" that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing. Quran 76:2
According to 76:2 :
Sperm drop mixture - نُطْفَةٍ أَمْشَاجٍ
Sperm drop: نُطْفَةٍ
Mixture: أَمْشَاجٍ
Now keeth Moore's "interpretation for nutfah", that is zygote was based on the above verse. At this point keeth Moore makes a grave mistake. Yes the verse has the words mentioned sperm drop mixture or mixed drop but do they come from one word like how keeth Moore has interpreted (nutfah - zygote/mixed drop/sperm drop mixture)?????
The answer a big NO. according to the above verse Nutfah DOES NOT MEAN "zygote/mixed fluid/sperm drop mixture" because the verse has a has a seperate word for Mixture (أَمْشَاجٍ).
So interpretations like "zygote/mixed fluid/sperm drop" mixture should be derived from two words( نُطْفَةٍ أَمْشَاجٍ) and not one word( نُطْفَةٍ)
Keeth Moore goes on to apply his wrong interpretations in verse 23:14 when the verse has no mention of the word mixed or mixture (أَمْشَاجٍ)
Then We made the sperm-drop( Nutfah) into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah , the best of creators.(Quran 23:14)
1. The Meaning for sperm drop is nutfah and not zygote/mixed drop/sperm drop mixture
2. The Saudi embryology committee misguides Keeth Moore by giving him the wrong interpretations/translations.
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